Shared from the 10/5/2020 San Antonio Express eEdition

National Night Out adapts for COVID


Since 1984, neighborhoods around the country have come together to celebrate National Night Out to bring neighbors out of their homes to meet each other, celebrate togetherness, promote community partnerships and support each other.

Last year, Family Service celebrated the grand reopening of its community center, the Neighborhood Place, and along with it, hosted its first National Night Out. We reintroduced what was formerly H.K. Williams Elementary School in the Edgewood School District to the neighborhood that connected to it as a school for several decades. Communities throughout the city and country hosted their own celebrations with food, music, games and dancing.

As we all know, 2020 is a very different year. Many National Night Out celebrations around the country were canceled due to the dangers associated with large gatherings. While it is very important to follow the rules of social distancing — such as wearing our masks and avoiding gathering in large groups, things we did not even consider a year ago — we also know social distancing can lead to social isolation. Family Service believes we need to maintain physical distancing while remaining socially engaged and supporting our communities.

To continue to engage our communities this year, we created something unique to meet social distancing guidelines. Family Service hosted “National Week In” last week to provide ideas for at-home activities and discussions for families to strengthen their bonds and have fun together in a safe way. Our final event is at 6 p.m. Tuesday: a National Night Out Drive-Thru at the Neighborhood Place, where families can safely receive information, resources, school supplies, hygiene necessities and food from Family Service and other community organizations. People can register at

Family Service works to address the social determinants of health that have created barriers in the lives of the people we serve, which include: economic instability, education, health care, and providing strong social and community engagement. Many people in San Antonio struggle with one or more barriers, and COVID-19 has exacerbated their needs. Many do not reach out or do not know where to ask for help.

National Night Out helps to link people with resources and develop or improve community partnerships, all while enjoying an evening with family and neighbors. Although we cannot have the large fiesta we had hoped to host, we are still providing resources and connections at our National Night Out Drive-Thru.

Mary E. Garr is president and CEO of Family Service, a nonprofit dedicated to empowering individuals and families in San Antonio.

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