ActivePaper Archive DENNIS. Ethical Lecture. - Yarmouth Register, 7/12/1890

DENNIS. Ethical Lecture.

Mr. W. M. Slater, author of Ethical Religion, and lecturer for the Societv for Ethical Culture, of Chicago, will speak in the church next Sunday ni< 3 p. it Subject. Reforms which good men might agree about. All are invited to attend. Beaten by the Minister. The Rev. Mr. Cadmus, pastor of the Union church of this vUlage, caught a pickerel in Scargo lake, the 39th tilt., that weighed 6 lbs., 8 02., thereby beating the record of all our amateur and expert anglers.

— The Fonrth |>nssed off very qnietly in Dennis: more so than usual. The antiques and horribles did not parade as usual, bnt there was. nevertheless, a ftiir portion of noise duriug the early morn. — While some boys were playing with fire crackers near the store of Dr. W. E. Lord, in the morning of the 4th, thev carelessly threw one onto the roof of the store and went away. Soon after they had gone the doctor went out to look around aud discovered fire and smoke issuing from the roof. Help lieing near at hand, aud acting promptly, it was soon put ont. Not, however, until it hud burnt quite a hole in the roof. — The schools closed here last Thursday. In the evening the schools gave an entertainment and exhibition in Carlton Hall, which was highly appreciated and well attended, the hall being tilled to its utmost capacity. — Tho rush for the Nobscnssett House has fairly set in. — Osbern Hall of Canqiello, si>eut a few days in town lust week. — Miss Louisa Price. Fairhaveu. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Oren Shiverick. — John McDowell, Boston, s]ient the Fourth in town. — Frank Tobev. Esq.. Chicago, is at the Nobscnssett House. — There was a fine displa}' of fireworks at the Bleak House on the evening of the Fourth. — Arrivals at Bleak House: E. F. Cole and wife. New York: Willis N. Howes aud wife, North Easton. — Miss Sarah Flanders,Bristol, R. I., is visiting friends in towu. — Miss Abbic W. Howes, of Wilkesbarre, Pa., is spending her vacation at home. — Thomas Hull, Boston, is the guest of Mrs. Hepsie Hall. — F. E. Smalley, Brockton, is spending a few weeks in town. — Miss Susie E. Hall. New Haven, Ct, is spending her vacation at home. — Mrs. Raymond Chapman, Brockton, is the guest of Miss Abby S. Howes. — Horace W. Eldridge and family, of Maiden, are at Hiram AVhittemore's.