Shared from the 5/21/2019 Houston Chronicle eEdition


Tired of one-sided trade

Loren Elliott / Bloomberg

Shipping containers sit last month at the Bayport Container Terminal.

Short-term pain is worth it

Regarding “Texas hold ’em” (Opinion, Wednesday): Does the editorial board really want more one-sided trade with China for years to come rather than Texas business taking some lumps in the short term? If so, then there will be no end to the Chinese theft of our technology nor their cheating on trade deals with us by means of their government subsidizing their industries!

Tariffs are necessary with China as they are with Mexico ever since NAFTA created that giant sucking sound of jobs going southward.

It’s about time that Texas businesses and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce think of the long-term well-being of this country rather than just their quarterly profits.

Eric Johnson, Houston

Deflating tradition

Regarding “Balloon releases are passé” (Letters, Saturday): I applaud the letter for pointing out that a balloon release is an inappropriate memorial to a tragically lost life, as it only leads to the further tragedies of long-lasting litter and death of wildlife by ingestion or entanglement. On the website, it suggests that planting a tree would be a permanent memorial and that blowing bubbles could send messages into the skies without harming a living creature.

Last month, a story reported that eight states are considering banning balloon releases and that Texas is studying the issue. I hope that we soon seriously address the issue.

Page S. Williams, Houston

Freedom of personal choice

Regarding “Missouri lawmakers pass heartbeat and anti-abortion bill” (Nation/ World, Saturday): There has been a pattern among anti-abortion proponents to bolster their position by using such indices as the presence of a fetal heartbeat to draw the line between when an abortion is or isn’t permissible. Make no mistake: This is science being used to cloak the religious precept that “Thou shalt not kill.” In effect, these same advocates, using that precept, want to arrogate to themselves the right to force a specific moral choice on every U.S. female.

Unquestionably, there is a significant moral dimension to the decision to have an abortion. But, at heart, that decision has everything to do with the woman’s own personal moral code and ability to come to terms with her own Higher Power. That freedom of what amounts to an individual’s personal choice is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and in no sense belongs in the hands of someone else.

Marty Adams, Houston

Tools for war only

Regarding “Founders had it right” (Letters, May 12): I received my first shotgun when I was 10. I do not know anyone who wants to confiscate hunting weapons. But military-grade weapons are another issue.

I trained on the M16 during basic training. The drill sergeant was very specific during class instruction for this weapon, that it was designed for a single purpose: to cause as much damage to the human body as possible, with the most desirable outcome resulting in death for the enemy.

This weapon (no other description applies) has no place in the hands of civilians.

Dennis Boyter, Spring

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